

On Sunday mornings the whole church family are together for the first fifteen minutes. Then the children go to their groups for age-specific Bible teaching and activities. We call this GSMA, which stands for Great Sunday Morning Adventure. We believe that knowing and following Jesus is the biggest adventure of all.

Sometimes we have all-age services, where the children stay with their families for the whole service.


Creche (for babies and toddlers up to 2.5 years) is on the second floor behind the gallery.

Little GSMA (for preschool children) meet in the classroom on the third floor at the top of the back staircase.

Lower GSMA (for children in school years R - 2) meets in the top hall.

Upper GSMA (for children in school years 3 - 6) meets in the top hall.


Little GSMA (for preschool children) meet on the first floor next to Upper GSMA.

Upper GSMA (for children in school years R - 6) meet in the Drama Studio on the first floor.

This term in GSMA




WOW is our midweek club for children in school years 3 - 6.

Meeting at our City site every Wednesday, 5.45pm - 7.15pm, please enter via the side door on Ogle Road.

Families Together is a group for parents and carers and their under 5s (babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers). We aim to be a warm and welcoming Christian community where the under 5s can enjoy craft and play, whilst the parents and carers can get to know one another over a cup of tea or coffee. Each session ends with a time together which includes a short Bible-based 'thought for the day' for adults, and a snack, Bible story and singing for the under 5s. There will be playtime, stories, and singing along with plenty of time to chat to other families.

Friday Mornings (term time only) at 10am - 11:15am The group will meet at the City site in the lounge.

Contact Ruth, our Children’s Pastor, if you have any questions or would like to know more.

Get Involved

To find out more about what it looks like to volunteer on the Children’s team, please contact Ruth or fill in our ‘Join a team’ form.